Why Does My Amazon Fire Tablet Keep Losing WiFi Connection?

Most of the time Kindle Fire WiFi connection fails due to the weak or unstable internet connection as it restricts the users from using the functionality of the Kindle Fire device. When your Kindle Fire keeps losing the WiFi connection then you can’t browse the internet or other applications from your device. Just like the other WiFi-enabled devices, it also needs a high-speed and strong internet connection to work smoothly. If you are struggling with the Kindle Fire WiFi connection failure then don’t worry. The guidelines mentioned in this blog will assist you in troubleshooting the Kindle tablet's keep losing WiFi connection issue. Let’s get started.


Kindle Fire WiFi connection failure

Why Does the User Face Kindle Fire WiFi Connection Failure Issue?

There may be several reasons for the Kindle Fire WiFi connection failure and your device keeps disconnecting from the WiFi network. Look at the below points to know the ways to troubleshoot the issue:


Kindle Fire keeps losing the internet signals due to WiFi interference which usually occurs when radio signals come between the WiFi signals in the middle of the air. The reason behind the lose of the signals is that other devices emit the competing signals with the same frequency such as cordless phones. Some other reasons behind this issue are signals that pass through the hard material not letting the radio waves work well. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that you keep the interferences away between the router and the Kindle Fire. It will help in improving the WiFi performance.


The radio waves that emit from the wireless router have a finite range. When the signals travel then there is a degradation in the electromagnetic waves which means that your Kindle Fire is placed far away from the WiFi access point due to which you will receive the poor signals. To fix this issue, you need to place your router nearer to the Kindle Fire. If it does not work then install the repeaters in your home or office which helps in extending the network range.

Provider Issue

If you face a Kindle Fire connection failure issue then there is the possibility that there may be an issue with your network service provider. Try to test your Kindle Fire by using other connection methods. If there is any network failure issue then troubleshoot it with the help of your internet service provider.

Software Issue

The reason behind the Kindle Fire misconfiguration software bug is the intermittent network connection. To resolve this issue, you need to disconnect your device and then reconnect it again to the network to improve the strength of the network signal. Also, update your firmware from time to time whenever a new update is available to fix the technical bugs in it and improve the performance of your device.

Hopefully, the above-written methods will help you in fixing the Kindle Fire WiFi connection failure issue. All the instructions are very easy and simple to follow. In case, none of the above-written methods work then try to reset your device to the factory default settings. It will delete all the previous settings and the customized settings made by you.


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