How Can I Register My Kindle PaperWhite?

 I have recently purchased a new Kindle paperwhite, but don't know how to register it. How can I Register my Kindle paperwhite? Well!  Registering a Kindle device is not a difficult task. If you have purchased the  Kindle through Amazon Store, it will come pre-registered. However, if you have purchased it from the offline store, or got it as a gift, you need to register it on your own.  You can easily register Kindle paperwhite with some simple steps, and in this post, we are going to discuss them all. So, keep reading and find the simple guidelines to register the Kindle paperwhite.

Register my Kindle

Simple Kindle Registration Instructions: Steps To Follow

  • First, set up the Wi-Fi for your Kindle. After this, you will see a registration screen appearing.
  • If you have an Amazon account, then you can  tap on the " existing Amazon account" option. Provide the username and password for your account. (The Kindle paperwhite will input its own serial number, so you don't have to type it). Hit the " submit" button.

And, if you don't have an Amazon account:

  • Tap the " Create a new account" option.
  • Select the region or country you are residing in from the main menu.
  • Hit the Continue button.
  • Type your full name, password, and email address.
  • Confirm the password, and tap to create an account.
  • Provide the payment details and billing address. It is important to provide the payment information if you want to make any purchase from the Kindle Store.  The payment method can be a gift card purchased from Amazon or a credit card.
  • Tap to continue with the setup.

If you have any social network integrated with your Amazon account, you will be requested to verify if you want to connect your social account with Kindle. You can also set the parental control for your Kindle device if you want. After this, you will be all set to buy new books or content from the Amazon store whenever you want and read it on your Kindle paperwhite.  If you have purchased any content while you were waiting for your Kindle device to arrive, you can find those books on the home screen of your device after you complete the registration.

After the successful registration of Kindle paperwhite, a short tutorial will be shown on your screen that will tell you about the basic navigation steps you can follow. Once the tutorial is finished, a welcome screen will appear. Now onwards, you can use the Kindle paperwhite to read books, or any other content you want. In case you face any trouble, you always have an option to deregister your device, and you can Re-register it again.

Wrapping Up

We hope that these simple steps will help you to register a Kindle paperwhite  device.  The mentioned  Kindle registration instructions are simple and easy to execute. But, if you are still having a hard time with your paperwhite device, contact the experts and get their advice to do the task.  The professional support is available round the clock, so you can call them anytime you want.


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